I finally found it the last source port I have been hunting down, and now I have found it. This version does however require a specific version of HEXEN 2, one which I haven't come across before, good luck finding it, it's around 96MB though, so that might help.
But how does it run? It runs very well on most android devices, one thing I would recommend however is to not change the graphics settings too much. This may result in the game to crash, and try to save the settings at the same time. This results in corrupted graphics settings that will eventually destroy the game. But no worries as you can always replace the game files easily. The specific version of HEXEN 2 that they use is very small, which is why I assume that it was originally an N64 rom. This means that the storage isn't and issue. The game will have to load a bit between maps but they are no too long.

Over all this is a good port for a good game. I highly recommend trying this game out, I have supplied all of the files for download. I hope that people enjoy this game and port as much as I did.
[ClassiCube] (Minecraft Classic)
Well I was not expecting to find this anytime soon, but here it is. This game is essentially minecraft classic rewritten in C#. They are also improving on the original Classic formula by adding new blocks and features.

This game is free to play and has online multiplayer with lots of friendly servers for you to build on. This game is perfect for playing while listening to podcasts. There is just something so soothing about this game and the freedom that you get to build what ever you want. The file size is very small as in smaller than quake (less than 25MB) with all of the assets downloaded. This means that it is perfect for running on old or slow PCs and plays off a memory stick, so that you can take it with you.
This game is just perfect for people who want to waste time or to just relax. There is literally nothing stopping you from playing this game (even runs on Mac and Linux!). If anyone wants to play with me I will be on a server called beach, my username is cire_07 as usual. Have fun :)
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